Kill Me, Kiss MeWeb Directory

Smitten with teen idol star Kun Kung, Tae Yeon Im dreams of one day meeting the famous model and, perhaps, marrying him. Of course, she knows it's just a silly pipedream and would never even think of an encounter, much less a tryst, coming to pass.

Alas, that is until her cousin, Jung-Woo Im, Tae's spitting image save for obvious differences in gender, reveals that he attends the same school as the well-publicized Kun. The minute it looks like Tae's fantasies may become a reality, the love-struck teen cooks up a plan to, at the very least, brush up against the object of her desire.

She convinces her cousin to switch places with her for a week! She will dress as a boy and attend Jung-Woo's school as him ... while Jung-Woo would dress in drag and attend Tae's all-girls school.

Laced with cross-dressing high jinks and madcap hilarity wrapped around a tender story of one girl's pursuit of true love, Kill Me, Kiss Me is a charming tale of adolescent angst. Created by Lee Young You.

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