Walpole, HughWeb Directory

Hugh Walpole was born in New Zealand in 1884, the son of a Bishop. He came to England when he was five years old. He was educated at King's School, Canterbury, and Emmanuel College, Cambridge. He lived in Cumbria from 1924 until his death in 1941, where he wrote a great deal, including his Cumberland family saga 'The Herries Chronicle' ('Rogue Herries', 'Judith Paris', 'The Fortress', and 'Vanessa'). He also wrote the 15 volumes of his diaries. He was knighted in 1938, three years before his relatively early death, June 1, 1941, of a heart attack brought on by over exertion doing volunteer war work in Keswick. He is buried in his beloved Cumberland, in Keswick churchyard.

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