Rhode IslandWeb Directory

This category is for all sites owned by breeders of American Cocker Spaniels in the state of Rhode Island, USA. Please note that English Cocker Spaniel breeders do not belong here, they are listed in a different category. The American Cocker Spaniel category is broken down in to a number of sub-categories: breeders, clubs, pets, and rescue. The breeders category is further broken down geographically. To qualify for inclusion in this category, the site content should belong to someone actively involved in breeding American Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale as either show dogs or as pets. Cocker fanciers who are no longer breeding puppies might be best listed in the pets category as being listed here in the breeders category will generate many inquiries from prospective puppy buyers in your area. Site submissions are always appreciated. However, please do not submit your site to more than one category.

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