University Centers and CollegesWeb Directory

UNIVERSITY CENTERS: Research and advanced graduate and professional studies are conducted primarily through the four University Centers. Each Center confers baccalaurreate, master's, doctoral and first professional degrees, although there is considerable differentiation and specialization among the four campuses. Together, the four centers offer 1,061 programs. In the last academic year there were 46,130 students enrolled at the bachelor's level; 8,109 at the master's level; 8,973 in doctoral programs and 2,251 in first professional study. Campus enrollments range from 11,997 to 25,635. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES: SUNY's 13 University Colleges conduct programs to academic study through the master's degree in a wide range of liberal arts and professional disciplines. The campuses together offer some 973 baccalaureate and 350 master's level programs and have deep roots in teacher education. Campus enrollments range from 3,947 to 11,529.

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