EducationWeb Directory

Guide for Primary Schools in East Devon

For East Devon, users are recommended to look in the Education subcategories for the city of Exeter.
This may also apply for the principle towns of East Devon.

Localities in East Devon already with an Education sub-category in June 2016
Axminster - Budleigh_Salterton - Broadclyst - Colyton - Exmouth - Honiton - Lympstone - Ottery_St_Mary - Seaton - Sidmouth
Those with a Primary School website but no Education category by June 2016:
Beer - Brampford_Speke - Broadhembury - Clyst_Hydon - Clyst_St_Mary - Feniton - Hawkchurch - Kilmington -
Newton_Poppleford - Otterton - Payhembury - Rockbeare - Sidbury - Stockland - Woodbury
If you are unable to find the appropriate school, we hope the links below for the entire county of Devon will be helpful.

Devon as a Regional Tree [ ]

On 21 June 2016. Devon adopted the Regional Tree Topics to extend the British English Template
The following is a list of examples of Topics adopted where
either the physical sub-category has not been created,
or where the Topic names don't exactly follow those in the path in UK: England

Related categories 1

Sites 0

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