MPsWeb Directory

This category is for websites about current Members of the UK Parliament at
Westminster House of Commons, London representing the Liberal Democrat Party.
In order to qualify here, a Liberal Democrat candidate must have gained the majority of votes
in their constituency in Scotland, at the latest General Election.
Where the MP has had sufficient websites to justify their own category, this is included below.
Websites for a retired or deceased Liberal Democrat MP may be found in History, or another category
in the most appropriate position, reflecting their role since their electoral defeat.
This should be available as links from this category.
For Liberal Democrats who have been successful at recent elections for the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh,
please see the Liberal Democrat MSPs category.
For Liberal Democrats who have been successful at recent elections for the European Parliament in Belgium,
please see the Liberal Democrat MEPs category.

Subcategories 2

Related categories 2

Sites 1

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