Leadership ContestsWeb Directory

The Conservative Party has only had an elected leader since 1922. The leader emerged from highly informal discussions, and there was only one candidate at the formal election. Proper elections were introduced in 1965. Until 1997 all leaders of the party became Prime Ministers. New rules were introduced for the conduct of the elections in 1998, which gave every member of the Conservative Party a say. Previously only MPs (the Parliamentary Party) voted. The system was reviewed in 2005, but the proposed changes were not implemented due to lack of support. A leadership election is triggered either by the resignation of the Party Leader, or following a vote of 'no confidence' by Conservative MPs. The present election system consists of two stages: 1. Conservative MPs select a choice of candidates to present a shortlist of two to the membership of the whole Party. 2. Party members vote for their preferred candidate on a 'one member one vote' basis.

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