GovernmentWeb Directory

This category tree is for websites relating to all aspects of government in Wales.
UK Central Government:
Wales is represented at the Westminster's House of Commons, by Members of Parliament ( MP ).
UK Regional:
Devolved powers are administered by the; National Assembly for Wales, where Members ( WAM ),
represent five Welsh Assembly Electoral Regions as well as the 40 MP constituencies.
European Parliament:
Wales is one Region of the UK, where Members ( MEP ), are elected using party-list proportional representation.
Local government websites tend to be duplicated across DMOZ.
  1. Once at the most appropriate Locality for the scope of their administration,
  2. Together as a Topic, according to the Unitary Authority, with the subcategory for Local Community Councils
For details please see Wales: Government: Local Councils

Subcategories 22

Related categories 2

Sites 21

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