WeldWeb Directory

Weld County covers an area of 4,002 square miles in north central Colorado. It is bordered on the north by Wyoming and Nebraska and on the south by the Denver metropolitan area. The third largest county in Colorado, Weld County has an area greater than that of Rhode Island, Delaware and the District of Columbia combined. Incorporated in 1861, the county seat is Greeley. The climate is dry and generally mild with warm summers, mild winters and a growing season of approximately 138 days. The land surface is fairly level in the east, with rolling prairies and low hills near the western border. Elevations in the county range from 4,400 to 5,000 feet. County Demographics: population was 131,821 in 1990 and 165,805 in 1999; location is 40°33'N 104°24'W; land area is 3,992.79 square miles (2,555,388 acres); water area is 28.99 square miles (18,553 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.

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