DIRpopulus - F.A.Q.

This page contains the most frequently asked questions. New questions will be added to the list as they are being asked.

1. How do I suggest a web resource?

Just go to the Suggest & Edit page. You'll find everything you need there.

2. How much does it cost to suggest a web resource?

It doesn't cost any money! All we ask in return is to review 10 web resources from the review queue.

3. Who can become an editor?

Anyone! All you need is common sense.

4. I'm a former DMOZ editor. Can I edit on DIRpopulus?

Absolutely! DIRpopulus would be honored. Your experience would certainly be significant addition to the project.

5. Do I need to suggest a resource in order to be able to edit?

Nope. Anyone can edit with or without suggesting resources.

6. Do I need to edit in order to be able to suggest a web resource?

Yes! Each suggestion will be added to the review queue after you've reviewed/edited 10 resources.

Editing doesn't necessarily mean you need to type something. Most of the time you just need to click a button to approve or disapprove a piece of information.

7. How do I know if my suggestion is being reviewed?

Your can see you own suggestions under Dashboard > My Suggestions. For each of them you see it's status, who and when reviewed/edited it, etc...

8. Will I be paid for my editing activity?

In the first stage of the DIRpopulus project no. However, the plan is to start paying the best (most active and efficient) editors later. It will be mostly your DIRpopulus editing history that will decide weather you'll get paid or not.

9. Why do you display ads on DIRpopulus?

To cover the related expenses and to get paid for the work needed to create, maintain and further develop this project.

10. Who is behind DIRpopulus?

Gabriel Antal. A professional web developer/coder since year 2000.

11. What if I have other questions?

You are welcome to ask the community or get in touch via Email.