Opposing Views

This is for opposing views specifically and primarily related to the 2004 campaign, and not for other anti-Bush sites.

Other anti-Bush sites belong in History - Bush,_George_Walker/Opposing_Views.

Sites listed in a historical category should not be repeated in this category.

Related categories 2

Sites 9

  • Topplebush.com Articles, humor and items devoted to defeating President Bush in 2004.
  • Republican Switchers A conservative's site who sees voting for Kerry as America's best hope for a strong country and a peaceful world.
  • Washington Post - The GOP's Shameful Vote Strategy Asserts that Republicans are spending the last precious days before the election devoting nearly as much energy to suppressing the Democratic vote as they are to mobilizing their own. [Free registration required.]
  • Bush Wired Weblog discussing the mystery bulge seen under George Bush's jacket in the first debate between presidential candidates. Includes photographs, links, theory and commentary.
  • Sorry Everybody Picture gallery of Americans offering apologies to the world for George Bush's re-election. Accepting photo submissions for book.
  • Common Dreams: Two Candidates, Two Military Records, Two Standards The group Media Matters for America says that Kerry' military record has been unfairly examined and criticized, as compared to Bush's military record.
  • Fuck the South Ranting about the South voting for Bush.
  • Salon - What Economic Recovery? Economist argues that the October, 2004 job figures show that Bush has bungled the economy and offers nothing new if he wins re-election.
  • New York Times - Feeling the Draft Columnist Paul Krugman examines the possibility of military conscription, and notes that just as Bush broke his campaign promise in 2000 of no budget deficit, the facts suggest he will also break his 2004 campaign promise of no draft. [Free registration required.]