Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Many (but not all) who believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture claim that the Rapture was never the subject of Old Testament prophecy. Those who hold this viewpoint understand the Rapture to be a unique New Testament doctrine, revelation, or "mystery" that cannot be found in the Old Testament scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 is often cited in support of this claim. By contrast, those who believe the Pre-Trib Rapture was prophesied in the Old Testament refer to passages such as Hosea 6:1-2 for support. Many also believe the Pre-Trib Rapture was symbolized by certain Jewish feasts. Sites that address the question as to whether or not the Pre-Trib Rapture was prophesied, or whether it was symbolized by certain Jewish feasts, should be submitted here. Pre-Trib means the rapture will take place prior to the tribulation, or as the first event of the tribulation period. In turn, the tribulation generally refers to an intense period of troubling times that was prophesied in Deuteronomy 4:30. This tribulation period was affirmed by Jesus in Matt. 24:21-29 and Mark 13:19-24, and is described in the book of Revelation.

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