Carolina College of Biblical StudiesWeb Directory

The vision of local pastor Dr. Bill Owens resulted in the Cape Fear School of Theology in 1973. The express purpose was to equip Christians, regardless of denomination, for effective service. In 1979, the ministry came under the direction of Dr. Ralph Richardson, another local pastor. Land and a building were purchased at 817 South McPherson Church Road and classes were held the fall of 1980 at the current site. The name was changed to Carolina Bible College and the school became an extension of Columbia Bible College. In 1983 a new administration and classroom building opened debt-free. Three years later additional classrooms, a chapel, and the library were added. CBC became fully accredited by Accrediting Commission International in October 2000. ACI is an international accrediting commission that holds as its primary objective the encouragement and maintenance of sound scholarship and the highest academic achievement in the areas of private education. Credits earned at CBC may be transferred to any of the hundreds of schools accredited by ACI.

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