PFLP - Popular Front for the Liberation of PalestineWeb Directory

From the U.S. Department of State: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Description Marxist-Leninist group founded in 1967 by George Habash as a member of the PLO. Joined the Alliance of Palestinian Forces (APF) to oppose the Declaration of Principles signed in 1993 and suspended participation in the PLO. Broke away from the APF, along with the DFLP, in 1996 over ideological differences. Took part in meetings with Arafat's Fatah party and PLO representatives in 1999 to discuss national unity and the reinvigoration of the PLO but continues to oppose current negotiations with Israel. Activities Committed numerous international terrorist attacks during the 1970s. Since 1978 has conducted attacks against Israeli or moderate Arab targets, including killing a settler and her son in December 1996. Strength Some 800. Location/Area of Operation Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and the occupied territories. External Aid Receives safehaven and some logistic assistance from Syria.

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